
A GUI for LaunchCTL

This is a GUI for managing LaunchCTL services on macOS. It is written in swift and uses SwiftUI.

LaunchCTL GUI Alpha Screenshot


I wanted to be able to manage my LaunchCTL services without having to use the command line. I also wanted to be able to see the status of the services. While there are some GUIs for managing LaunchCTL all of them are either paid or have not been updated in a long time. This was also a good excuse to learn Swift and SwiftUI.


The solution is a simple GUI that allows you to start, stop, and restart services. I also have plans of adding a pList editor and a way to add new services.

Currently this is a work in progress and is not ready for use. After I started this project, I took a mobile app development class where I learned how to use Swift. So I am currently rewriting the app to set a better foundation for future development. There is still a lot of work to be done, but this project is one I'm very excited about. As well as proud to be able to share with the community.

Made with ❤️