
Event Aggregation Site

Full-Stack Dev Team School Project Node.js
Express Bootstrap ejs MySQL

A full-stack web application that allows users to find and attend events. This application was built for a school project.

Event Aggregation Login Route Code

For this project, I took on the role of the back-end developer. I was responsible for creating the API endpoints and database models. I also worked on the front-end of the application, building out template pages with html and bootstrap, but I was not the primary front-end developer. I worked with a team of 4 other developers to build this application. We used the Agile methodology to manage our project. We used a Trello board to track our progress and assigned tasks to each other. We had three times a week stand-ups to discuss our progress and any issues we were having. We also had bi-weekly retrospectives to discuss what went well and what we could improve on.

While the project was completed successfully, I learned a lot about the importance of communication and collaboration. I also learned a lot about the importance of planning and organization. My team and I were able to complete the project on time, but we had to make a lot of last minute changes to our plan. Our front end developer was not able to complete the front end of the application in time, so we had to use half-

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